Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week 5: Research Topic and Rm 321 Critical Analysis

This week, we used Google docs to collaborate and to create a shared document in response to this week's assignments:

1 comment:

  1. This task was well suited to a collaborative approach. There was no need to us to organise a time to get together online as the fragmented nature of the proposal was best served by individual input over the week with group editing.

    I've never worked with a team on a research proposal before and I can really see the benefits of this as an idea. I was able to springboard of other people's ideas and others covered things that I had not thought if - a great benefit in making sure all bases are covered.

    Once again the group decided to utilise the collaborative power of Google Docs. The more I use this platform the more impressed I am. The only thing I'd lime to see is a more obvious track changes function to allow me to see quickly what has occurred since my last login.

    Finally, for me at least, our chosen topic was of great interest. I'd actually like to do this research and make some meaningful suggestions to the programming team for the next roll out of moodle. The open source nature of the program means that this is worthwhile research that will benefit a great many educators, not something that will simply serve to increase the profitability of a corporation.
